Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Free form

Dressed like a Yeti this morning, I was fully prepared to go to the gym today but other things came up. To be honest, I did not want to deal with the gym 'tards today (the ones who go over the 30-minute limit, pretend like no-one knows...I KNOW...leave their sweat on the machines...dirty bastards). There's always tomorrow.

Aren't you tired of people opening their blogs by saying "it's cold". We know. BRRRR. Hence, dress like a Yeti.

Are you keeping up your New Year's Resolutions? Me, not so much. I barely schedule the time to shave my legs. Damn you, 2005... you creep upon me like a fungus. But hey, at least I don't smoke.

Ah, that's enough of my yapping.

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