Do you want to know the meaning of the word "unpleasant"? My first thought would be to say being stuck on a train station with a homeless man, his cart, toy gun (looked real enough), staring at me and grumbling with his ski cap jauntily tilted to the side, Addabisi-style.
The real meaning of unpleasant for me was at work. My boss decided to "lay down the law": unbeknownst to me, people have apparently been "stinking up the joint". Her solution? Light a match. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. There are a lot of things I've had to hear at work, but that, for the love of Pat, Mike, Mary and the rest of yer Irish clan, was too much for my fragile senses. I learned long ago, when working with men, they pee on the seat; they lift it up, don't put it back down and generally make a regular bathroom smell a possum exploded.
And that, my friend--that's life. Now I shall go and wash the ick off me.
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