This blog suffers from ADD, so
don't be alarmed at the lack of
cohesiveness.This gem of a title came from an expression a gentleman I knew years ago.He would do the old hand smack with his male friends before they would go out and get there party on. Yes I admit it I have known many douche bags in my life. Where is he now? Probably selling sensible shoes in the heartland of America.
Relax, strap in and get ready for the blinding lack of continuity .
Let's do a remember when--remember when: You saw your first movie alone? Jaws 3D; year, 1982. Nothing to report; it was a piece of crap, but I got to see this dreck alone, so I felt cool. First time you thought you were going to die in a movie theater? Early '90's, watching Alien 3-- fella in back of me was making quite the racket, so I gathered up all my gumption and said "hey could you and your ladyfriend keep it down? I am trying enjoy my cinema experience. He obliged by kicking my seat quite forcefully and explained in very salty language that I would meet a bad end at the barrel of a gun; oh, and his girlfriend was going to f#ck me up, too. No, I did not die, but I certainly did not enjoy my cinema experience
Maybe if I was prettier, I could have done better in life, but alas,
that's just not me. I suppose I thrive on
mediocrity and a little slice of retail hell."I used to love them, but now, not so much"... I've been thinking about this; have you noticed that so many of the things that happen to you in life become
metaphors for relationships?
Bands you like. At first, every thing was great; then, it changed. Things were never the same;
now you pretend they
don't exist. You liked them before they were popular, now they're the pretty girl at the prom who's ignoring you. You're probably angry because they loved you when no one else did; they moved on--you
didn't. But hey, let's face it; human relationships are so
Even old jobs have become abusive relationships. At first it was fine , then became controlling treats you like moron , might as well push you down the stairs. S
uddenly a
lousy boss turns into Ike Turner. Now I've had some lousy bosses, but I
don't ever remember being beaten with a shoe, as far as I'm concerned maybe if I did some
physiological beatings I might have ended up in a better place.
One last piece of the confused pie:
As you may have surmised, I watch a hell of a lot of TV, so you start to see many of the same actors over and over again. Do you ever think Keith David and David Keith ever get confused
with each other? The two fellas bump into each other on the street...
Start: Keith David and David Keith
Hey you! It's you!
David Keith:
Don't you narrate commercials for the Army?
Keith David:
Didn't you make that movie where you killed yourself and you were in the Army?
Both guffaw.
Keith David:
Weren't you in the film Lords of Discipline?
David Keith:
weren't you in that movie with Jennifer Connolly where you
taught her a little
discipline with a stripper and a double sided dildo?
Both laugh
heartily, slap each other on the back and decide to make plans for a sitcom.
Scene: fin.