Monday, May 16, 2005

Lest we should Fig-get

Hello... I'm back again. I wanted to take some time off to write a book; had a couple of titles: "Hooker Boots & Head Bands", "Tales Of Long Island", "My Uterus Is A Hat & Other Tales Of Whoa"... how far have I gotten? I have titles--what more do you want? That's more than you.

I've been waiting for something exciting to happen to blog about. Like a crazy man flinging poo at me, but no such luck. What can I say? My life is boring. But I'm not complaining--part of my blog is to sound like I'm complaining.

Oh, I just had a birthday. Send cake and iPod accessories through my e-mail address.

I know my minions have been waiting for a funny reply. And that includes my midgets. There will be more to come. Oh, and I'm on the South Beach Diet--which means a muscled gay man on roller skates brings me my meals three times a day.

Ha, ha--I am cornball--hear me roar.

That's all for now. Be Yoda-like and get yer "Star Wars" geek ass outta here.