Saturday, December 31, 2005

It puts the lotion on the skin in 2006

Ah, 2005 is gone.

All hail 2006.

Sorry if you had to read other blogs in my absence. Life is tough when you have to read Ilovemycat and when I'm not around.

Let me tell you how life has been.

Work. No gym, no travel, no trips to the day spa, just F@*#$&%! work. At least the fruits of my labor produced the rent for the new apartment. Ah yes--I am leaving the Skank Arms in one month. (The Crackheads next door actually put up a Xmas wreath. Please, it should've had hypodermic needles and crack pipes on it.)

I really haven't been out and done much; I see movies on cable and pay per view, so if you want a review of King Kong, look for my blog in 6 months.

Well--I did one thing; Rob took me to a concert. We saw X, one of my favorite groups of all time. The last time I saw them I was 14 years old and was wearing a leather Hard Rock Cafe
jacket (yes, laugh). The crowd was a bunch of young and old punks, rockabilly types, couples with their kids and there I was, Ugg boots and western shirt... Oh, I looked so hip (please: I'm 34--hip is a joke) . X put on a great show; I even tried to take a photo of the marquee with my phone (didn't work); oh well--at least I have my memories.

As I sit here blogging, drinking wine, I wish you good luck and good night and don't make any New Year's resolutions. You never keep them and by Feb., you feel like crap.

Oh, and make sure to check out Silence Of The Lambs--The You'll thank me...