Thursday, February 14, 2008

Every time I let down my guard, the irritation starts

It's easy!--is it? A little bit of love from LeFig.

Those stupid "Easy" buttons; you know the damn Staples commercial. Things are tough, so you press the Easy button and magically, things are perfect. Now, as revolting as the commercial is, you know what's worse--people who buy the damn thing. Why are you buying a useless piece of red plastic crap? And why does the teller at my bank always have one at her station; why is this nimrod handling my money? Should I be surprised if she had a wall filled with Kathy cartoons and a poster of the "Hang in there baby" cat poster--ecch. If any of you out there have an "Easy" button and you are constantly pressing it, every time you do that, you lose a small piece of your soul.

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