Sunday, February 13, 2005

Time For A Change (Structured Le Fig)

It has come to my attention that I am "lacking" in certain areas. No, nobody said anything to me--this falls a under self-realization that I'm really good at making excuses for myself. I feel this is the year to take greater responsibility; to stop saying "next year I'll do it". The keyword here is STRUCTURE (sorry, if this sounds like some sort of Dr. Phil crap; I'm trying to sort this out for myself).

Most people know this blog for its' humorous content, so I apologize if you're taken aback by the more serious nature of this posting. It's been swimming around in my mind and I thought I'd share it on here (as you do).

I promise the next one will be funny.

One litlle post-script: all this self-reflection becomes much easier once you get rid of the losers and users in your life. You know who you are.


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